Eat Healthy! Stay Healthy... This World Health Day we encourage you all to consciously #ChooseToBeHealthy . Here are a few tips we'd like to share with you.
1) Know your health status. Get regular check ups and screening, early detection of most diseases can prevent long term consequences and premature death.
2) Make healthier food choices. A lot of diseases can be prevented simply by changing your diet. Also as parents, its our duty to make sure our kids eat healthy as well at least 80% of the time.
3) Stay Active!!! Move that body, not only do you look better but you feel better as well. Walk when you can, if you can't make it to the gym workout at home; preferably in the morning so you're not too tired in the evenings.
4) Feed your mind with positivity and inspirational materials. Where the mind goes, the body is sure to follow.
5) Join the #EatToLiveLifestyle today! We Healthy, Wealthy, Happy & Wise :)