Monday 28 May 2018

The Vast Benefits of Tigernut 

Have you ever heard of the phrase “small but mighty?” Tiger nuts, which funny enough aren’t even nuts but are actually tubers that grow on the ground just like every other tuber, are small but literally have tigers in them, especially when they are unleashed in your body system!

What Are Tiger Nuts?
 So this interesting “nut” which has the ability to give you almost all the nutrients at one go (Which is super awesome!) is called Cyperus esculentus lativum, scientifically.  It also has a variety of other names like Chufa sedge, Nut grass, Yellow nutsedge, Earth almond, Zulu nuts, Horchata (Spain), Aki Hausa or Ofio (Nigeria), Atadwe (Ghana) and so on (too many names for such a small thing).
Alongside its many names, Tiger nut has many benefits! Benefits that are important to every part of your body. Even your hair! (Surprised? Don’t be). Below, I have put together a list of the vast benefits of Tiger nuts.  So if you are interested in consuming this awesome blend of nutrients, keep reading!

The Benefits of Tiger nut

Rich in Fiber
Tiger Nuts are packed with high fiber content – around 33%, which is indeed a considerable amount. In a study conducted in 2009 by the University of Miguel Hernandez, Orihuela, Spain, it was found out that 100g tiger nut flour contains around 60 g dietary fiber, especially the insoluble dietary fiber which is much higher than other popular fiber sources such as rice bran, oats, apple, cabbage, carrots, pears, Chia seeds and jack beans. It also contains phosphorus, carbohydrates, fat, protein, potassium, zinc, sodium, calcium and traces of copper, vitamin C and vitamin E. (Already enough reasons to start munching)

A Healthy Substitute for Lactose Intolerance
Milk derived from Tiger nut is a healthy option for those who cannot drink cow’s milk due to lactose intolerance. Tiger nut milk is free from lactose, and hence anyone can drink this milk, which is rich in calcium and supports bone building and growth in young children. This milk contains highest nutrition and fat content among all the other non-milk substitutes. Thus, Tiger nuts milk can be used as an alternative source of milk in fermented products such as yogurt and others. (This is a super plus because you can get Tiger nut Milk at our store)!

Good Source of Magnesium
Research has shown that magnesium is highly vital for the normal functioning of the body, as it is required to carry out more than 300 biochemical reactions in the human body. Recent studies have revealed that 100 g flour of tiger nuts contains between 13 to 17 percent of magnesium, which helps to promote normal nerve and muscle function, regulates sugar, maintains blood pressure levels to normalcy, and strengthen bones, process protein and keep you healthy. Tiger nuts, according to research, also contain a type of starch that resist digestion often referred to as resistant Starch. Resistant starch helps our bodies to naturally develop probiotic (friendly) bacteria ensuring a strong immune system.

Plentiful Arginine
Tiger nuts are also loaded with plentiful of amino acids of various types, especially Arginine. The Mayo Foundation suggests arginine as the nitric oxide precursor, which maintains the width of blood vessels to ensure normal blood flow. Arginine is helpful in providing solutions in conditions caused due to restricted blood vessels, including clogged arteries, chest pain, erectile dysfunction, heart disease or failure, artery diseases, muscle cramps, and headaches.

Protects Against Cardiovascular Disease
The vitamin E in Tiger nuts acts as a catchall reference for different fat-soluble compounds that are rich in antioxidant qualities. Since tiger nuts are rich in vitamin E, all these qualities are present in tiger nut milk and tiger nut flour. Also, an amino acid, arginine present in tiger nut has been shown to be beneficial to those suffering from high blood pressure. Arginine aids in conditions that are caused or made worse by restricted blood vessels such as clogged arteries, chest pain, erectile dysfunction, heart disease or failure, artery diseases, muscle cramps, and headache. (No more medication! Just a bowl full of Tiger nuts).

Detoxifies the Liver
The liver whose main function is to filter blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body is detoxified by tiger nuts. Consumption of tiger nuts is essential for detoxifying the liver and eradicating toxins from the human body. Tiger nuts are rich in potassium, which, according to research is one of the few essential minerals that contribute to the proper functioning of the cell and body organs, especially the heart. Potassium is essential to maintain proper regulation of muscle contraction, digestive functions and to control the blood pressure levels (What more do you want)?

Rich Non-Meat Protein Source
Protein plays an important role in building bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood, and hence is one of the major nutrients of the body. Tiger nuts are one of the richest sources of non-meat protein that supplies plentiful of energy essential for carrying out heavy work all through the day.  On top of that, the flour of Tiger nut can be used in most baking and smoothie recipes, adding a sweet and nutty flavor, and is gluten-free, nut-free and dairy-free. It can also be used for cookies, brownies, cakes and even pizza dough. (It can be in your cakes and in your drink)!

Tiger nuts have many nutritional and health benefits, which make them an amazing food for anyone. Traditionally, tiger nuts were used to treat stomach upsets, irritable bowels, and other digestive issues. They have been used in folk medicine as a remedy for many ailments, including flatulence and diarrhea. Tiger nuts is a good colon evacuator and cleanser because of its high fiber content. The faster waste products of digestion are evacuated the less likely they are to cause sickness and diseases. (The more you consume, the happier your body).

Skin and Hair Care
Tiger nuts oil can be added to your body lotions due to its content of vitamin E. Vitamin E helps slow down the ageing of the body cells. It also favors the elasticity of the skin and reduces skin wrinkles. Tiger nuts are also used in manufacture of natural hair products because of its antioxidants and moisturizing properties. Its primary benefits to hair are protection and moisture. With its solid source of magnesium, tiger nuts help women suffering from magnesium deficiency, which can contribute to scalp hair loss.

Most importantly, Tiger nuts in the various forms outlined above, can be found at our café at Eat to Live Lifestyle. We can help you plan your meals around Tiger nuts, aiding you in harnessing its benefits. So there you have it all, Eat more Tiger nuts (especially the ones from our store), Drink more Tiger nut milk (Ours taste far much better) and keep Eating to Live!

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