Wednesday 13 June 2018

What You Didn't Know About Fenugreek Seeds

Okay, so we all have heard about the famous Fenugreek seeds right? (If you don’t know, you have not been eating healthy) If you do know about them, you also know that they are rich in flavonoids, proteins and fibre. You probably are also aware that they contain saponins, alkaloids, iron, amino acids, calcium, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. 

Maybe you are convinced that they are especially beneficial for aiding digestion and are considered effective for treating gastric ulcers, soothing inflammation and easing down skin irritation.

You know what is surprising, you have not scratched the surface of the benefits of Fenugreek Seeds! Let me enlighten you on some of the benefits you never believed could be derived from these “small but phenomenal seeds” (I say this with so much pride in my voice)


Fenugreek Stops Cancer Cell Growth

The saponins in fenugreek prevent cell division in cancer cells and also induce programmed cell death (super cool if you ask me) Fenugreek seeds reduces the incidence of colon cancer, and fenugreek extract slows the progression of breast cancer. Fenugreek also prevented the growth of human colon cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and bone cancer cells.
Diosgenin, a saponin found in fenugreek, suppresses bone and tumor cell formation and produces proteins that increase cell growth.

Controls Diabetes

Fenugreek helps to alleviate type II diabetes. It induces the production of insulin so therefore, 15-20 grams of fenugreek is recommended for controlling blood sugar on a daily basis. By slowly releasing insulin to the body rather than in massive chunks, the overall bodily function is improved, and the plunges and peaks of blood sugar won’t be an issue for diabetic patients after that.

Good for breast feeding mothers

Fenugreek is considered by traditional herbal doctors to be a galactagogue, a substance that promotes the production of breast milk (lactation) in women. Some studies report that Fenugreek in all forms can help increase the amount of milk that is produced by the breasts, and the magnesium and vitamin content of fenugreek also helps to improve the milk’s quality to keep the infant healthy after birth. (you might want to write this down if you are expecting)

Lowers cholesterol

Fenugreek consumption helps to reduce cholesterol levels. It helps to reduce the level of low-density Lipoprotein (LDL) significantly, which can prevent various conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. It is a rich source of fiber, which scrapes excess cholesterol off of the arteries and blood vessels of the body. (This is too easy)

Reduces Blood Clots

Anticoagulants, such as warfarin (Coumadin), are frequently prescribed to individuals at high risk for heart attacks and strokes because they help prevent the formation of blood clots that cut off blood supply to vital organs. Fenugreek extract increases the time required for normal human blood to clot, so fenugreek could supplement preventive treatments for heart attacks and strokes.

Improve Skin Health

Fenugreek contains mucilage, a gooey substance that can soothe and moisturize dry skin without irritating it when applied to the surface of skin. Fenugreek contains a lot of carotenoids, which are antioxidant molecules that are converted to vitamin A in the body. Fenugreek oil applied to the skin, speeds up wound healing by reducing inflammation and promoting new skin growth.

Guarantees Immortality 

Fenugreek has been tested and confirmed to extend life! Just kidding! Although all of these benefits will definitely help you live a long and fulfilling life! You can get Fenugreek in all forms at our café @ Eat To Live Lifestyle or have your meals planned around fenugreek weekly or even monthly! Fenugreek for President!

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